Actinidia colomicta: benefits and harms of actinidia

Actinidia colomicta is an ornamental, fruit-bearing and honey-bearing liana that grows in the wild in fir and spruce forests and produces soft, tender, oblong fruits (up to 2.5 cm long, weighing 3.5-5.5 g) with a pleasant smell and sweet and sour taste.

Actinidia colomicta: benefits and harms of actinidia

Actinidia colomicta bears fruit annually. During the period of full fruiting, the average yield from a liana is more than 7 kg. At the same time, the berries that are in the shade ripen much earlier than in the sun. This is due to the accumulation of vitamin C in the berries, which accumulates faster in the shade.

As a rule, actinidia berries begin to ripen in late August-early September at different times (within 15-20 days), which makes it difficult to harvest. Ripe berries become dark green or slightly yellowish, and some-even translucent, so that small seeds shine through the walls of the fruit. There are lianas from which ripe berries do not fall off. However, often ripe actinidia fruits fall and break when they hit a hard surface.

In recent decades, Actinidia columicta is increasingly planted in private plots, where it quite normally takes root and bears fruit.

There are several varieties of Actinidia kolomikta: "early dawn", "abundant", "fantasy gardens", "sweet", "lovely", "pineapple Michurina", "elegant", "Clara zetkin".

Actinidia berries are used both fresh and in the form of blanks. At home, most often they make jams, jam, juice,wine, compotes and jelly. Sometimes they are also dried in the oven or in the oven (the approximate drying time is 5 hours) - in this case, the taste of actinidia berries resembles sour raisins.