Alcoholic tincture of hawthorn fruit or flowers

Alcohol tincture from the fruits or flowers of hawthorn can also be prepared at home. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between water infusions from hawthorn and alcohol tinctures: the first are obtained by steaming the raw materials, bringing the mixture to a boil with subsequent cooling, settling and straining, and the second – by cold infusing the raw materials on alcohol or vodka.

In water infusions, useful substances are quickly destroyed, so it is recommended to prepare them daily, in alcohol tinctures, the substances remain longer (for 3-4 years), but it is necessary to keep such tinctures in the refrigerator.

To achieve a lasting positive effect from the treatment, use the tincture of hawthorn for a long time and regularly.

Ready-made alcoholic tincture of hawthorn fruit or flowers is recommended to be stored in dark glass bottles. It should be taken before meals, 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day. As a rule, the course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Store alcohol tincture of fruits or flowers of hawthorn is best in the refrigerator or in a cool (up to 25 degrees Celsius), protected from light. During storage, natural precipitation is possible. The shelf life of the tincture is 4 years.