Apple juice

Natural apple juice is the juice obtained from the fruit of an apple tree. It tastes more or less sour, depending on the apple variety.

High-quality apple juice of a light color, a more saturated color with brownish shades indicates that poor raw materials were used in the production of the juice.

As you know, you can make a wonderful dessert drink from apple juice by mixing it with grape, carrot, cranberry or cherry juices. At the same time, apple juice can be used both fresh (immediately after squeezing) and canned.

Freshly squeezed apple juice is better to drink immediately after cooking, because it is very quickly oxidized. But in order not to harm the tooth enamel, it should be drunk through a straw!

In the kitchen, mousses, drinks, jellies, jellies, sauces and gravies are prepared with apple juice. For example, to make gravy, you need to mix chopped nuts with honey and vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), and then add apple juice. You can use sour cream or cream instead of vegetable oil, and add as much juice as you need to get an oily or sour taste. (If you add 3 tablespoons of juice, the taste will be sour, and if 3 tablespoons of butter or cream, then oily.) Apple juice gravy is suitable for meat, fish, salads and snacks.