World culinary
Baking and flour products in the North Ukrainian cuisine: solozhenko, verhuny paposhnyk

Since potato farming is widely developed in the North of Ukraine, many national dishes are traditionally prepared using potatoes. For example, if in the West and South of Ukraine dumplings are made from wheat or buckwheat flour, then in Polesie grated raw and boiled potatoes are added to the dough, as well as finely chopped onions. Potato dumplings are very tender and delicious.
The original dish-Kiev verguny-is prepared on smalts. Vaguely verguny similar to Russian pastry from unleavened dough-brushwood-but, in contrast, contain more eggs and less sugar.
Another culinary speciality of the northeastern cuisine of Ukraine – coloranti. This dessert is prepared on the basis of airy, lush and tender pancakes made with cream and a large number of whipped eggs. After baking, the pancakes are transferred to the pan, layered with different fillings – apples , jam, poppy seeds, pour whipped whites and bake. Kiev pickles are prepared with the addition of lemon zest.
Typical for Chernihiv cuisine dishes are bagels-whistlers and putnici – baking choux pastry. These confectionery products are good for tea, they are served with jam or jam. But for the holidays, they prepare fern.
Paposhnyk is a Russian analogue of the cake, but differs in the large amount of fat and eggs. Yeast dough is rarely used in Ukrainian cuisine, but no holiday is complete without fern-a tall, lush, fragrant cake decorated with small details of the dough. Fern is baked for weddings, name days, christenings, they are treated to guests at the table, and in addition, guests are invited to take a piece with them on the road.
Since the region is rich in fish, in Kiev region often baked kulebyaki with fish. Despite the fact that the dish is considered Russian, in the Ukrainian version it has "grown" with original details and features of cooking technology and has become a trademark for many national restaurants. As a filling, use fatty varieties of fish, having previously removed the bones from it and cleaned it from the skin. Kulebyaka with tench, carp, catfish, white Cupid and onions turns out very tasty and nutritious.