Carrot juice

For making juice, it is advisable to choose medium-sized carrots. Then the carrots should be thoroughly washed under a stream of cold water, free from the tops and roots. If there are spots on the carrots, they must be cut off (although it is better to use carrots without damage).

Peel the prepared carrots or just scrape them. After that, chop the carrots to a puree using a mixer or blender. (If carrot juice is prepared for medicinal purposes, it is easier to pass the carrot through a juicer, and then immediately drink it in small sips.)

Squeeze carrot puree through cheesecloth.

To improve the taste (if there are no contraindications), you can add a little citric acid and sugar syrup to the juice.

Canned carrot juice (not for medicinal purposes)

For canning, add citric acid and 10% sugar syrup to the carrot juice. Sterilize clean glass jars in boiling water or hold over steam (20 minutes). Then filter the juice, heat it to 80 degrees and pour it into cans. Cover the juice cans with lids and sterilize in boiling water (10 minutes).

Ready-made cans of carrot juice roll up, cool naturally, and then store in a cool, dark place (the temperature should be above zero!).

Note. The remaining mashed potatoes after squeezing carrots can be used to prepare salads, pancakes, casseroles. In addition, if a juicer was used to make the juice, then you can also make carrot oil from the puree.