Chinese Lemongrass oil (essential, pressed and extracted)

Chinese Lemongrass Essential Oil (Schizandra Essential Oil) 

Essential oil is present in all parts of the lemongrass: in the leaves-0.8%, in the bark of the trunks-2.6-3.2%, in the bark of the rhizomes - 3-5%, in the stems-0.2 – 3.14%, in the seeds-1.6 – 1.9%. Interestingly, in each part of the plant, the chemical composition of this oil is different.

In industry, essential oil is obtained by steam distillation and extraction of bark, leaves, stems, berries and crushed lemongrass seeds. At the same time, during the extraction of berries and seeds, a mixture of fatty and essential oils is obtained.

The finished schizandra essential oil is a golden yellow or light green liquid.

The smell of seed oil is different from the smell of bark and leaf oil and is considered less pleasant.

Pressed fat oil of Chinese lemongrass (pressed fat oil of schizandra) ("natural oil" of lemongrass) 

Drops of fatty oil are found in the endosperm of lemongrass seeds. The pressed fat oil is obtained by pressing these seeds. In fact, pressed lemongrass oil implies a mixture of fatty and essential oils. In its finished form, it has a golden-yellow color and can be used for medical purposes, including as a dietary supplement.

Extraction Fat Oil of Chinese Lemongrass (extraction essential oil of Schizandra)

Extraction fat oil of lemongrass is obtained from seeds or from the dry pulp of fruits by supercritical extraction (carbon dioxide, hexane or freon). This oil has a high viscosity. It is used most often in the cosmetics industry. In addition, on the basis of a concentrate obtained by freon extraction, a biological supplement "Likol" is made from lemongrass seed oil, which is indicated for increased fatigue, mental and physical overload, low performance, depressive states, poor immunity, as well as during the recovery period after suffering from severe infectious and somatic diseases.

The shelf life of lemongrass oil is 12 months.