Clover honey: properties of clover honey

Clover honey can be classified as a rare variety of honey. It is obtained as a result of the bees collecting nectar from the flowers of exclusively white clover-for red clover, the proboscis of bees is too short.

Clover honey has a mild taste and a delicate fruity aroma; its color varies from white-yellow to light beige, and the consistency resembles cream. Due to the large amount of grape sugar, clover honey quickly crystallizes, but at the same time it retains a uniform structure and refined taste.

Clover honey: properties of clover honey

From a culinary point of view, clover honey is perfectly combined with toast and other baked goods. It is perfect for morning tea or coffee, charging the body with the necessary energy for the whole day!

This type of honey is suitable for both adults and children. Nevertheless, doctors of traditional medicine call clover honey "female", because first of all it has a beneficial effect on the female sexual system and relieves nervous tension well.

For both sexes, clover honey helps with anxiety, cramps, digestive problems, liver diseases and coughs.