Conic morels (smarzhki)

Conic morels (smarzhki) look very similar to real morels. From the latter, they differ in an elongated cap and color (gray or brown with dark stripes).

The cap of the morel is conical in consistency, waxy, brittle. From above, it is covered with longitudinal ribs, between which horizontal partitions are clearly visible, forming a kind of cell. The leg of the conical morel is elongated, with vertical dents. Its inner part is hollow, yellowish or light brown in color.

Conic morels grow in mixed and coniferous forests, as well as in fields and campfires. The collection time is April – early June (only young morels are collected!).

Morels are used both in folk medicine and in cooking. Most often (after pre-boiling) they are fried, stewed in sour cream, marinated or added to soup. When mixed with other products, morels are perfectly combined with spring vegetables, poultry liver, veal brains, chicken and pork (including ham).