Dandelion honey: properties of dandelion honey

To get dandelion honey, you do not need to put the hives in the appropriate place, just collect fresh dandelion flowers in the early morning (!) and pour them out on a wooden board so that the crawling insects get out of them. Then release the flowers from the sepals and other remnants of greenery (all actions should be performed in the first half of the day).

Dandelion honey: properties of dandelion honey

Wash the dandelion petals (300 g) and boil them with water (1.5 l). After that, add the lemon juice (from 1.5 lemons) to the water and cook everything together for half an hour (to get a more spicy taste, you can add cloves or a stick of cinnamon to the honey).


The finished broth is either immediately filtered, or left overnight, and the next morning strain. After that, pour sugar into it (1.5 kg of ordinary sugar or 750 g of white and 750 g of cane sugar, which gives the product a richer color and taste) and cook for three quarters of an hour, stirring frequently and removing the foam .

After that, reduce the heat to almost a minimum and continue to cook the mixture for another hour. After an hour, reduce the heat and cook for another hour or insist an hour of honey on a hot stove, if it is electric. (As a matter of fact, the more honey is boiled, the more viscous it will be.)

Pour hot dandelion honey into clean jars and seal tightly.

Ready-made dandelion honey (industrial or homemade) should have an intense yellow color and be very fragrant. In cooking, it can be used as a filling for sandwiches and as a sweetener for muesli, morning oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese or fruit salad.

In folk medicine, dandelion honey is used for coughs, colds, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and blood.