World culinary
Features of Japanese national cuisine: rules for serving the home table

Japanese customs of home table setting differ significantly from European ones. The first difference is that the Japanese do not take food sitting at one common table, and allocate each individual low table, next to which a family member or guest is comfortably placed on pillows.
As a rule, during a home meal on the table there are: rice, fish dishes, soup and stewed or fried vegetables. On the occasion of the arrival of guests to this list are added to salads, pickled vegetables, sake and snacks. Dessert is usually not here, but there is green tea. The Japanese drink it during meals, as well as before and after it.
Interestingly, in Japan, all dishes are put on the table at the same time, except for soup and rice (they are served hot, just before the meal). At the same time, the Japanese can be treated in any order – it all depends on their personal preferences.
As for the location of the dishes themselves, according to Japanese tradition, rice is placed on the left side of the person, soup-on the right, and the main dish – in the middle of the table. Marinades and pickles are placed to the right, left, and behind the main course, and as for sauces, they take up space to the right of the dishes for which they are intended.
Separately, we need to say about Khasi, traditional chopsticks for eating: previously, they are placed on special stands or trays so that they do not touch the table, looking to the left with the end that a person will take food.