Finger nail diagnostics: how to recognize the disease?

Is it possible to diagnose the disease by nails? The ancient healers thought so. What changes occur in certain diseases and what should you pay attention to?

The French believe that the hands are the most" honest " part of a woman's body. Of course, they are referring to the well-known fact that it is possible to find out the age of a lady by her hands. In fact, the study of the hands can also reveal pathological disorders.

Diagnosis of the disease by nails was carried out in Ancient Tibet and China. This method has changed today and is only used as an additional method for primary detection of the disease, although in some cases it is quite informative.

Diagnosis of the disease by finger nails: how to recognize the disease?

Nail coloring
  • Uneven color of the nail plate, the presence of cyanosis or pallor may indicate a violation of blood circulation, weakness of the heart or lungs.
  • The appearance of white spots is associated with a lack of calcium, zinc or excess sugar in the blood. This symptom warns about the onset of diabetes.
  • If white specks (so-called gifts) appear on the nail of the ring finger, there may be calcium deposits in the kidneys. The formation of speckles on the nail of the index finger indicates the accumulation of calcium in the lung tissues.
  • Yellowness of the nail or yellow spots indicate a violation of fat metabolism, liver disease or respiratory system.
  • Paleness of the nail plates is a characteristic symptom of anemia.
  • Red nails are evidence of an excess of red blood cells.
  • Blue nails are a particularly disturbing symptom. It indicates possible disorders of the heart and lungs.
  • If the nail holes are blue, the liver should be examined.
  • A red hole occurs in heart failure.
  • The whitish or pearlescent hue of the hole indicates a lack of nutrients.

The structure of the nail

When diagnosing diseases on the nails, attention is also paid to the structural changes of the plate.
  • The appearance of transverse furrows indicates a severe infectious disease, chronic fever and malnutrition.
  • Longitudinal scars are formed due to an unbalanced diet, poor assimilation of products (poor digestion) and, as a result, due to a lack of important elements in the body.
  • Bitten nails indicate nervous disorders.
  • Pits or horizontal dents are formed after a strict diet or a radical change in the diet, which had a negative impact on the body.
  • Brittle nails can be a symptom of thyroid abnormalities. There may be a more banal reason: contact with aggressive chemicals (for example, detergents).
  • Various bumps on the nail are formed as a result of a long course of the disease of viral etiology.
  • A pineal nail (strongly protruding above the upper phalanx of the finger) indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.
  • A nail resembling a parrot's beak indicates a chronic cough of the owner.
  • The growth at the end of the nail appears in chronic infections in the lung area.
  • Spoon-shaped nail deformity (strongly concave nail) is a consequence of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Nail splitting and peeling are associated with impaired functioning of the reproductive organs.
  • The formation of almond-shaped veins occurs in rheumatism.
  • Strips on the nail may indicate intestinal pathologies or diseases of the spleen.

The nail holes
  • Thin small holes occur when there are problems with the lungs.
  • The absence of a hole in the nail of the thumb may indicate mental abnormalities.
  • Reducing the hole on the index finger occurs in gynecological, liver diseases and pancreatic disorders.
  • The disappearance or reduction of the hole of the nail plate of the middle finger is a symptom of vascular insufficiency and a tendency to arterial hypertension.
  • Reducing the size or disappearance of the ring finger hole is evidence of metabolic disorders and problems with the lymphatic system.
  • If the hole of the little finger has decreased, it is necessary to check the heart and the condition of the small intestine. The hole may disappear when the bowel is slagged.

How to recognize the disease in time?

Nail diagnostics also allows you to determine the time of development of the disease. Since the nails grow by about 1 mm in one week, and the life cycle of the nail plate is about six months, the appearance of grooves or spots near the hole may indicate the occurrence of pathological changes about 3 months ago.