Ground rice (white)

It has slightly rough white grains, and some kernels may contain remnants of the seed coat.

Polished rice is produced in five commercial grades — extra, higher, first, second and third. At the same time, only long-grain rice (Indian branch) obtained by grinding flaked grains belongs to the extra class.

Round rice (Japanese branch), which is also considered long-grain, but is inferior in quality to the "extra" variety, can belong to any of the other 4 varieties.

As a rule, ground and polished rice is used as a side dish for second courses, for crumbly and thick milk porridges, as well as for puddings.

Crushed ground rice is more suitable for filling and pureed soups, viscous and liquid porridges, meatballs and casseroles.

The cooking time for ground and polished rice ranges from 15 to 25 minutes.