Ide: characteristics and useful properties

Ide is a freshwater river fish of the family Cyprinidae. It has a fairly large, thick body weighing from 2 to 8 kg. In appearance, it is quite beautiful: the lower and rear fins are black and red, the scales are small, silvery, the eyes are yellow with a black spot on top, the muzzle is large, slightly pointed, with a small oblique mouth.

Yazya has a tender white meat, which has a low fat content (4.5%) and has a dietary taste and texture. It makes delicious cutlets, aspic and canned food. Also, the carcass of yazya cut into portions can be fried with or without the addition of herbs and pepper. It should be noted that when frying, the ide does not exude a strong smell, which often irritates people who are not big fans of fish dishes.

For dietary purposes, the yazya should be baked in the oven, greasing the skin with a small amount of vegetable oil and wrapping the whole fish in foil.