Lime honey: properties of lime honey

Linden honey can be obtained in two ways: either from the nectar of linden flowers, or partly from the nectar, and partly from the honey dew formed on the leaves of linden trees.

Lime honey: properties of lime honey

In the first case, lime honey has a rich aroma and expressive taste, which contains notes of menthol; its color is almost white. In the second case, the color of honey depends on the percentage of honey dew contained in it: the more of it, the darker the honey. If the proportion of honey dew in lime honey is insignificant, then the honey is colored greenish-white or golden, and if there is enough dew in the product, it becomes brown.

In folk medicine, lime honey has long occupied one of the first places in importance, and it is not surprising, because it belongs to the best varieties of honey! Since it has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, it is often used to treat various colds and inflammations, and is also used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic.