Mirasol chili pepper (guajillé)

When fresh, this thin-skinned chili pepper is called "mirasol". "Mirasol" in Spanish means "looking at the sun" or "sunflower", although in reality the pepper fruit can be drooping.

The color of the pods varies from green to red or red-brown. In shape, they are elongated, conical, with a blunt end.

In the dried form, the mirasol pepper turns into the guajille pepper and changes its color to a reddish-brown.

Mirasol pepper pods are difficult to recognize, as they can look completely different – they can be smooth or vice versa, wrinkled. They taste medium-sharp, with a berry-fruit aroma. In Latin American cuisine, the pepper "mirasol" ("guajille") is most often used in soups, sauces and in combination with stews. Also, "guahiye" is used in the preparation of pork, beef, chicken and traditional salting with corn. Before using the "guahiye", it is recommended to soak it briefly in water.