Mushroom treatment: useful properties of chanterelles

Red chanterelle mushrooms are the favorites of many, and not only because they are never wormy, but also because when fried, they exude an amazing, unique smell of fresh needles! Chanterelles begin to grow in the forests in June and July - in fact, these are the first seasonal mushrooms that come to the market. Externally, chanterelles are quite difficult to confuse with other mushrooms. They are similar only to false chanterelles and talkers.

Mushroom treatment: useful properties of chanterelles

So, a typical image of a real chanterelle: a rather fleshy leg of a cylindrical shape, expanding upwards and tapering at the base, smooth, the same color as the cap. The cap itself in young chanterelles resembles a button (convex with a curved edge), and in mature mushrooms it reaches almost flat, funnel-shaped, with uneven edges, intensely yellow or pale yellow, in diameter it can be from 1 to 7 cm. By the way, under the hat of the chanterelle there are not the usual plates, but peculiar folds, wrinkles that serve as a harmonious continuation of the fruit body of the mushroom. The flesh of the chanterelle is real-white, fragrant, pleasant to the taste, although some consider it "rubber".

True chanterelles usually grow on mosses and hummocks. They are found in coniferous forests, usually where there is little grass. These mushrooms are "family", they prefer to be sown in placers.

Unlike the realchanterelle, the funnel-shaped chanterelle has a thinner body, it looks more nondescript - the color of its hat is dirty-light brown. Funnel-shaped chanterelles also love mosses and conifers, but they only get a chance to collect them in the fall. 

In cooking, chanterelles of both types are used for salting, frying, cooking and making sour cream sauces. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use dried or fresh chanterelles, as well as infusions, tinctures and decoctions made from chanterelles.