On guard of a slender figure: red beans in the diet

How hard many women strive to get at least one iota closer to their ideal, to lose a couple (or even a couple of dozen) extra pounds, to become slimmer and more elegant. Long-term habits in nutrition and lifestyle are put on the altar of the fight against excess weight, and funds from the family budget are invested. New-fangled advertised dietary Supplements for a slim figure are included in the diet, methods of questionable properties are used and weight loss belts that have come off the TV screens are attracted. But should we unconditionally believe those who offer "extremely effective innovative" methods of weight loss, wear yourself out with strict diets, go to extremes, if nature has long "invented" vegetable food that can gently, gradually, without side effects to reduce weight? You just need to use her gifts correctly, and the result will not be long in coming.

We are talking about products that regularly use leads to getting rid of complexes, rapid "melting" of excess centimeters on the waist and hips, a return to the harmonious proportions of the body, and, as a result, a new, joyful vision of the world.
A diet based on red beans is one of many ways to reduce weight by including the product in your daily diet. As you know, beans differ from other plant gifts of nature in their high content of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates and starch.
Nutritionists call red beans are a universal food product, because it contains all the substances for the normal functioning of organs and systems: vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, minerals. Fiber beans gives a feeling of satiety, serves as a means of removing toxins, is a prevention of cancer, normalizes blood sugar. In addition, red beans have diuretic properties (mainly, its skin is "responsible" for this) and can be used in complex therapy for urolithiasis. With all the rich composition of beans contains only 2% fat and therefore serves as an ideal product for weight loss.
So, how is red beans used for weight loss? In the form of a decoction (200 grams), which you need to drink for dinner and "eat" fruit. Regular use for 2-3 weeks of bean broth leads to a stable weight loss, provided that a balanced diet and an active lifestyle are compiled. Do not think that a glass of broth will work a miracle and allow you to lose weight, if , for example, you will have Breakfast cakes, lunch – dumplings, instead of kefir for high tea – there are sandwiches with cheese and sausage , and in between meals to eat ice cream.
When choosing a method of gradual return to normal weight and focusing on a diet of beans, do not forget that it is red beans that contain the maximum amount of the toxin phytohemagglutinin. Raw red beans contain up to 70 thousand. hau (hemagglutinating unit-a unit of measurement of toxin), in the finished dish – from 200 to 400 units. Eating raw red beans leads to poisoning (even tasting 4-5 grains), and using beans for food requires special preparation. Before preparing the broth, the beans should be soaked overnight (about 5-8 hours), then drain the water, cook the beans at a high boil for 10-15 minutes (toxins are destroyed only in boiling water), and then, at a moderate heat, bring it to readiness.