On the importance of minerals in the diet

Minerals are essential components of food that play an important role in maintaining and regulating vital human functions. They are involved in the body's metabolic processes, are part of the blood hemoglobin (iron), thyroid (iodine), pancreas and sex glands (zinc), as well as in the digestive juices.

Traditionally, minerals are divided into macro - and micronutrients, or ultralente.

At the same time, macronutrients include substances contained in the body in fairly high concentrations (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, and some others), and microelements include substances present in very low concentrations (iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and cobalt).

The daily requirement of the human body for the main types of minerals is: 800-1000 mg of calcium, 1600-2000 mg of phosphorus, 600-700 mg of magnesium, 4-5 g of sodium, 6 g of chlorine, 2-3 g of potassium, 1.2 g of sulfur, 15 mg of iron, 2-3 mg of copper, 12-16 mg of zinc, 100-150 mcg of iodine.