
- systemic periodontal disease in the form of progressive atrophy of the alveolar processes.

Etiology and pathogenesis are associated with disorders of local blood circulation, endocrine disorders. Diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcer and other diseases contribute to the development.

Symptoms, course. In the initial period, the feeling of uncertainty in. chewing, itching in the gums. A sense of mobility of the teeth, an unpleasant smell in the mouth, a perversion of taste. The teeth are intact. As the process progresses, food gets stuck in the interdental spaces, exposing the necks of the teeth, wedge-shaped defects may form on the teeth, often hyperesthesia of the exposed necks of the teeth. Radiographically-reduction of the height of the interdental partitions without signs of osteoporosis and inflammatory destruction.

For early detection, laboratory and functional (rheography) studies are necessary. With an active course-a relatively early loss of the dental bed of all teeth. In the stabilization stage, the process may not progress for decades. At the same time, however, inflammatory resorption of individual teeth wells is possible.

Treatment is complex, individualized, determined by the characteristics of the course of the disease, the nature of complications and the General condition of the body. Measures to improve local blood circulation (darsonvalization, vacuum massage, hydro-and auto-massage, etc.). Removal of supra - and subgingival dental deposits.

To eliminate pathological occlusion, orthopedic measures are used — polishing the mounds of the crowns of the teeth, dental prosthetics. Assign ascorbic acid, b vitamins, sex hormones, drugs that have an anabolic (pentoxyl, nerobol, methyluracil, etc.) effect. Diet, Spa and psychotherapy. Dispensary observation.

The prognosis for a stable course is favorable, while an active course leads to early loss of teeth.

Prevention: periodic removal of Tartar and systematic dental care.