World culinary
Polish cuisine: Krupnik and mushroom soup

In Poland, secular holidays often coincide with periods of Catholic fasting. On these days, local residents are treated to meat-free dishes. However, the taste of Polish Lenten dishes is not inferior to skoromny. For example, this applies to mushroom soup, which can rightfully be considered an exquisite lean delicacy!
In General, the choice of soups and first courses in Poland is very large, and the first place is taken by vegetable soups, which, as you know, in the winter season enrich the body with necessary vitamins.
Polish soups are prepared from a variety of products. Moreover, there are many variants of soups that bear the same name, and each of them has its own unique taste.
One of the most common "winter" soups is Krupnik-pearl soup, cooked on the basis of meat broth and seasoned with small pieces of meat. The main ingredient here is pearl barley, which gives the soup a specific, "Krestyan" taste.