
The history of the cultivation of raspberries as a healing and delicious berry goes back centuries. It is known that the ancient Greeks, Romans and Slavs collected wild raspberries and were treated with them for many diseases. And in the IV century AD, the Roman researcher and writer Palladius in his writings already called raspberries a garden plant.

In Russia, the first raspberry plantations were founded by Yuri Dolgoruky. In the chronicle there is a mention of them: "These raspberries were so large that bears often came there from the forests to "graze"."

In Europe, raspberries began to be grown around the XVI century. Then the raspberry bushes were transplanted from the forests to the monastery gardens, where they tried to cultivate them.

In America, garden raspberries appeared even later, because the first European varieties of red raspberries imported there were not sufficiently adapted to the local climate.

To date, there are more than 600 varieties of raspberries, among which there are even white, black and yellow. Raspberries, both garden and wild, are harvested in July and August. In cooking, they can be consumed fresh, frozen or boiled; you can decorate them with desserts or cook them into jams, jams, compotes, sauces and jelly. In addition, raspberries are widely used in dietary nutrition.