Red cabbage

Red cabbage ("blue cabbage") is a type of white cabbage. Its leaves are blue-purple, sometimes with a purple tinge, and the taste is insular.

The color and taste of red cabbage are due to the presence of anthocyanin in the pulp. By the way, anthocyanin is a useful substance that improves vision and strengthens the walls of capillaries.

For its unique healing properties, in ancient times, people called red cabbage a "magic plant", moreover, they attributed some magical power to it. Today, this type of cabbage is not very popular with amateur gardeners, since it is not universal in culinary use. In fact, the fibers of red cabbage are coarser and drier than those of its "white sister". And the savory taste is not to everyone's liking. However, red cabbage can be used to make an exotic salad (fresh use), delicious cabbage rolls (stewed use), delicious pickles and marinades (sauerkraut and pickled use).

As an agricultural vegetable crop, red cabbage is characterized by late maturity. Early varieties of this cabbage (for example, "rokkama") are quite cold-resistant and are not as demanding to the climate and soil as varieties of white cabbage. As for the late varieties (for example, "rodima"), they, on the contrary, are picky about the weather and natural conditions.