Red mountain ash: properties of red mountain ash

Red mountain ash (common) is a popular tree of the Rosaceae family, growing from 4 to 15 meters in height. It is found in Siberia, in the Far East, in the middle zone of Russia, in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, as well as near houses and roads.

Rowan fruits are berry — shaped, spherical, orange-red in color. They taste tart, bitter, but after the first frost (by November) they become sweet. As a medicinal raw material, they are used in mature form.

Red mountain ash: properties of red mountain ash

In cooking, they are used to prepare jam, jam, jelly, syrup, pastille, jam, candied fruits, and candy filling.

In the pureed form, the fruits of mountain ash are used together with sea buckthorn and apples. Also from mountain ash make kvass, tincture, mountain ash vodka and cognac.