Secrets of female sexuality, or how to win Apollo?

What is female attractiveness and how to increase it? What attracts men? It's all about sex appeal. The woman who has solved her secret will win if not the whole world, then at least its male half.
Sometimes beautiful women are surprised how ordinary "gray mice" manage to keep a certain earthly incarnation of Apollo near them, and they, with their classic 90-60-90 combined with legs from the ears – more precisely, from the top of the head, can not capture the attention of a man with at least average data. It's all about the mysterious magnet inside, called sex appeal. This is a gift from Nature, but this quality can be developed.
Lesson one on the secrets of female sexuality: Practicing the gait
Here everything is simple: it, as banal as it sounds, should be from the hip. A free, smooth gait with a slight swaying of the hips attracts the eyes of the entire strong half of humanity. Attach the shoulders back, keep your back perfectly straight, neck extended, chin slightly upturned, abdomen (if any) is retracted, chest out. Too many demands? By no means.
This gait can be learned by performing a simple exercise: put a few books on your head and walk around the room, trying not to drop them. It is very useful to take up dancing – especially Latin American or Oriental. By the way, belly dancing has become just a classic method of seducing men – it's a sin not to use it.
Lesson two: the Smell of a woman
Perhaps it is more important than walking. The stronger sex are attracted to the scent of pheromones, the level of which depends directly on female attractiveness. There are proven techniques to stimulate their development:
- Do yoga, or rather-Kundalini yoga, the purpose of which is to increase the sexual energy of a person.
- Follow hygiene, but do not abuse antiperspirants: they suppress the smell of the body, not allowing it to open.
- Do not abuse diets: they lead to a bad mood, which directly affects the smell of the body. Recent surveys have shown that more than 90% of men find nervous women unattractive regardless of their appearance. So the cheerful fat girl is in a winning position in relation to the hysterical model.
- Think positively. Endorphins have been shown to stimulate pheromone synthesis and increase a woman's natural attractiveness.
Lesson three: Meet still on clothes
And not only. Clothing, makeup, hair, skin – everything in a woman should be fine, and even better-perfect.
Cosmetics should be chosen exclusively of high quality. In its use, the main rule should be moderation. The main principle of makeup: expressive eyes or lips. Both are for the red light Street.
As for clothing, forget about your favorite jeans and sneakers. The emphasis is on femininity. Dresses, tight skirts, tight blouses. Emphasize the waist, chest, and hips. Problems with the figure? We read the fourth lesson, having previously recorded also high-heeled pumps.
Lesson four: the Figure
Women, remember: men are skinny with a boyish figure do not like. Based on numerous surveys, it has been proven that the main thing is not the absence of excess weight, but the correct ratio of waist and chest (preferably, of course, and hips). The presence of a thin waist is mandatory. Those who have not been given this generous gift by nature should try their best: perform special exercises for the press and waist, twist the Hoop, monitor nutrition. Do not forget about the steep hips and elastic buttocks – and the attraction of the views of 100% of the male population within a radius of 500 meters is provided to you.
Lesson five on the secrets of female sexuality: flirting Techniques
It covers all areas. Voice: try to speak slowly, with small pauses, evenly, but not monotonously. The depth of the inhale and exhale should be equal. It would be ideal to add a little sexy female hoarseness.
Smile: not required
And finally, the last trumps that meet the requirements of a modern "successful" society: salary and social status. If your mom and dad are people who are influential and have "weight", then you should not hide it.
Modern men are willing to marry someone's "daughters"!» If fate has not given you powerful patrons, then just keep silent and do not be shy.