The dangers of statins

In the USA almost a third of the adult population is taking statins. The scientific Council of doctors recommends statins, first, for patients already suffering from heart disease; second, for people aged 40 to 70 years who have an increased risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years; and third, for people aged 40 to 75 years who suffer from type 2 diabetes.
For many years, doctors have convinced patients that high cholesterol is the cause of myocardial infarction. However, in fact, high cholesterol is just a marker for an increased likelihood of heart attack, but not the actual cause of it!
The myth of high cholesterol was debunked by the famous cardiologist-surgeon Dr. D. Landel, who publicly stated that the recommendation to lower cholesterol and limit the use of fat is untenable both from a scientific and moral point of view.

Landel explained that the true cause of heart disease is inflammation of the walls of the arteries, and therefore inflammation and abnormalities in the blood. Simply put, without inflammation in the body, cholesterol would not settle on the walls of blood vessels!
Statins do not only increase the risk of myocardial infarction. They generally disrupt the circulatory system and cause damage to the cardiovascular system, which, in theory, they should protect.
One of the worst actions of statins is to block the natural formation of coenzyme Q10-a substance that is extremely important for maintaining muscles and prolonging life, and, as you know, the heart is also a big muscle!
In addition, statins negatively affect the body's use of vitamin B12, which is good for the heart, blood circulation, and bones.
Among other negative effects, statins have long been mentioned in connection with a decrease in testosterone, a decrease in male semen production, memory loss, muscle pain, and an increased risk of developing diabetes. After all, it has recently been found that taking statins causes calcification of the coronary arteries going to the aorta, which in turn moves the patient a step closer to death.
Translation from German and text processing And. Yegorova (aka_silikus)