Walleye caviar: useful properties of walleye caviar

Walleye caviar (galagan) refers to the so-called white type of fish caviar. Small eggs (1-1. 5 mm) are colored yellowish or light beige and form a liquid, watery consistency.

Walleye caviar: useful properties of walleye caviar

In industry, most often walleye caviar is either salted directly in the yastyki, or rubbed through a sieve, and then salted, sometimes mixed with vegetable oil.

At home, walleye caviar is released from the film (yastyk) by scalding and rubbing through a sieve. Then it is either immediately mixed with vegetable oil, salt, onions and lemon juice, and then eaten, or first lowered for 1 minute in a hot salty solution, then thrown into a colander, and then filled with vegetable oil, lemon juice and transferred to storage in clean glass jars.

In cooking, unsalted walleye caviar is used to make pancakes, pancakes, cutlets, and it is also added to egg dishes (directly in the yastyk) or simply fried with onions and garlic. As for salted walleye caviar, it is usually combined with butter, green onions and slices of smoked fish.