Interesting Facts
What are apples in terms of maturity?

According to the degree of maturity, apples can be unripe, overripe, and quite Mature.
Unripe apples-carrion-do not have a characteristic aroma, they contain up to 1.5% acid and only 5-6% sugar.
Overripe apples are more fragrant, but due to prolonged stay on trees, they lose some of the sugar and tannic acid that are present in these apples in the Mature state.
Fully Mature apples are apples that have been removed from the tree in their Mature state (summer varieties), or fruits that have matured in maturation (autumn and winter varieties).
Summer Apple varieties are fragrant and sweet (because they contain little tannic acid). They can be stored for only two weeks, but they are perfect for making mashed potatoes, jam, and pie fillings. These varieties include: White filling, Borovinka, Grushovka, Melba, Kitayka, Super-precos.
Autumn varieties of apples have the taste of fully ripened fruit in the sun. They are collected in late August-early September. Of course, they can be eaten immediately, but they become really ready for use 2-3 weeks after removal: they become softer and more fragrant.
In a cool dark place, autumn apples can be stored for 1.5 to 3 months. In terms of fruit size, they are the largest. And from the point of view of chemical composition, they contain a lot of vitamins. This is why they are often used to make fresh juice (autumn varieties give the most juice), jam, pie filling, compotes, desserts, and baked apples. For the autumn varieties of apples include: Antonovka, Zhigulevskoe, Spartacus, Thank winner, Stifel.
Winter varieties of apples produce strong, dense fruits that contain a lot of sugar, perfectly tolerate transportation and retain their properties for a long time. However, it is important to keep in mind that after they are collected from trees, they need to lie for at least 3-4 weeks to make their taste as rich as possible.
Winter varieties of apples that are suitable for food, salads, as well as for all types of jams and compotes include: Pepin saffron, Bashkir, Kutuzovets, Calvil, Sinap, Orlik, Bogatyr.