Interesting Facts
What are walnuts?

Among the walnut species, three are most common: English walnut (Persian) (Juglans regia), black walnut (Juglans nigra), and white walnut (Juglans cinerea).
English walnut takes the first place in the world in popularity. It is believed that it got its name thanks to English traders who brought it to North America. Due to its excellent taste qualities, it is widely used both in fresh and processed form: it is used to prepare flavorful toppings and fillings for confectionery, make delicious sauces (most often for poultry), make jam, etc. Along with its remarkable taste characteristics, this nut has been famous since time immemorial for its healing chemical composition, which, according to many scientists, has a unique healing effect on the body (for more information about English walnuts, see the article " Walnut (core)").
Black walnuts have a thick shell that is quite difficult to crack. This nut has a more characteristic and pungent aroma than the English nut. Like the white walnut, the black walnut comes from the Central Mississippi valley and the Appalachian region. It is known that at one time these nuts were eaten not only by North American Indians, but also by the first Englishmen who settled in America.
By the way, today a variety of white walnuts grows in the West of Scotland. The nut has a sweet, greasy taste. Local residents make amulet necklaces from it, which are designed to protect children from the evil eye and damage.