White currant

They say that black currants are planted for children, red currants for young people, and white currants for the older generation. And indeed, it is white currant that is most useful for the elderly and sick people, since it contains substances that help to improve the composition of the blood and prevent the development of diseases associated with increased blood clotting. In addition, it does not cause allergies, since it does not contain coloring substances.

Compared to black currant bushes, red and white currant bushes are more resistant to pests, as well as more winter-hardy and drought-resistant. By the way, white currant is actually the same red currant, but with berries of a different color – white, yellowish, cream. The most famous variety of white currant is "Versailles white". The berries of this variety are transparent, with a light cream hue and a delicate, sweet and sour taste. Also popular varieties: "yuterborgskaya", "Smolyaninovskaya" and "Dutch".

Speaking of red and white currant berries, it should be noted that they almost do not smell and contain a lot of acid – that's why they are rarely used for making jam. However, if you compare white and red currants, the first will be less acidic, which explains the fact that it is most often consumed fresh. Red currants are grown mainly for jelly, juice, wine, sauces, desserts, filling for pies or fruit drinks. However, the same products can be prepared from white currants – then their taste will be much softer and more refined!

In terms of structure, white currant berries are not as fragile as red currant berries, which allows them to stay on the bushes longer and not crumble until late autumn.

In cooking, red and white currant berries can be added as a "sour component" to salads, meat and vegetable dishes.