Healthy lifestyle
Work is stressful

To find out how people feel about their work, Belgian sociologists conducted a survey among employees, specialists and doctors.
The following results were obtained:
1. 1 out of 3 respondents suffers from increasing stress at work.
2. 37% of employees believe that stress at work has increased over the past 3-4 years, of which 28% are sure that it will only get worse.
(Medically confirmed: the more nervous people are, the greater the impact of stress on their health!)
3. ¾ of respondents stated that they feel very tired during the whole year due to stress at work;
4. Almost half of the people who took part in the survey admitted that because of work, they became easily irritated, experience back pain, suffer from sleep disorders and generally feel completely "squeezed out".
5. 30% of respondents said that because of work, they sometimes, and some quite often, think about suicide.
6. Approximately 40% of respondents complained that their work made it difficult for them to communicate with their children, and 30% said that their work negatively affects their communication with their life partner.
Thus, experts identified 4 categories of work-related stress factors:
A. the Intensity of the working process (the rhythm of work): people feel that they are literally being chased by a lot of things, it is difficult for them to manage the continuous flow of information.
B. High speed of communication (speed of communication): lack of respect and attention on the part of some employees, increasing pressure on modern assessment systems, fear of disappointing colleagues and the boss.
C. Job factors: unpleasant work environment, inconvenient geographical location of the place of work, inconvenient time and schedule.
D. Sensory factor: people feel that they can no longer combine their professional and personal lives.
Sociologists have also found a close relationship between stress and so-called "flexibility", which is expressed by: 1) in a separate work schedule; 2) in work within breaks; 3) in Sunday work; 4) in additional working hours; 5) in the temporary performance of other people's duties; 6) in bonus incentives for processing (individual, collective).
A separate line among the adverse factors was occupied by work on the production line.