
Zander - fish of the perch family, has low-fat, dietary meat (fat content ranges from 0.6-0.8 g per 100 g of product), white color with a very moderate characteristic smell. Bones in the meat of walleye is not as much as in river fish, but more than in the sea.
Newly caught fish walleye has ruffled, like a ruff, fins and bulging eyes. The weight of the carcass usually varies from 1.2 to 2.8 kg, only in rare cases the indicators reach 6-10 kg. The body of the walleye is elongated, with a pointed snout, giving it a resemblance to a pike. The jaws are covered with sharp teeth, they are used by the predator-walleye to attack squinting, chattering (!), bleak, frogs, crayfish, spruce, minnows, insects and worms. The back of the pike perch is greenish-gray, the belly is white, and on the sides of the body there are gray – brown spots that form transverse stripes.
There are semi-mobile and residential types of walleye.
The semi-passable walleye is found in the lakes of the Baltic, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral seas. In winter, it enters estuaries and lower reaches of rivers such as the Volga, Ural, Kuban and don. There in the spring it spawns, and then again rushes to the sea.
Residential walleye constantly lives in rivers or lakes (Chudsky, Ladoga, Seliger, and others), it looks almost no different from a semi-passable. In the spring after spawning, it immediately goes to the depth, where it waits for warming.
In cooking, Zander is prepared in different ways. It is stewed, boiled, fried in batter or spices, salted, smoked, poured, baked, used to make minced fish for cutlets, fish rolls or stuffed fish.
Stuffed Zander is used entirely for the dish "puffed fish", and a simple Zander, cut into portions, is used for the dish "fish fries".
As a side dish for boiled and fried Zander, potatoes, mushrooms, fresh or boiled vegetables (carrots, onions, asparagus, asparagus beans) and cheese are suitable. In addition, it can be separately served with sweet and sour or mushroom sauce.