Cooking Right
Features of cooking fried fish

Prepared whole fish (navaga, crucian, bream, carp, trout and others), as well as portions with skin and bones, with skin without bones or without skin and without bones of all fish breeds are used for frying (see the article "Cutting fish").
From fish, cut in any way, cut into portions. To do this, put the fish on the table with the inside side up and cut the pieces obliquely, across the fibers, starting from the head; sturgeon fish is cut from the tail. Before frying, whole fish or portions are sprinkled with salt and breaded in flour.
In General, you can fry any fish. Small fish are fried whole, and large fish and fish fillets are cut into pieces no thicker than 3 cm.
The fish prepared for frying should be salted, sprinkled with pepper and rolled in flour. It is best to fry the fish in a cast-iron pan or in a pan with a high side and non-stick coating, so the fish does not burn and is evenly fried. The pan should be preheated strongly, pour oil on the bottom, and then put the fish. After frying one side of the fish, turn it over and fry the other. If the fish is not fried during this time, then the pan with the fish should be covered with a lid, reducing the heat. Then fry the fish for another 5-7 minutes or place the pan in the oven.
You can serve fried fish with fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, buckwheat or rice porridge, fried eggplant, tomatoes and zucchini, sauerkraut and red cabbage salad, fresh or salted cucumbers and tomatoes.